Jeff Lane

I am a wood turner from Blaine, Tennessee where I live with my wife, Karen Briggs, two of our six children & four dogs. My wife and I share a studio where we both pursue our art–wood for me, pottery and fiber for her. In addition to our individual artwork, we create many items where we blend the different media components, and I enjoy that process immensely. Making art for people to use is important to me, and hopefully, that is reflected in my hand-turned pieces.

I inherited a lathe from my Stepfather many years ago, and it sat unused in our garage until my wife asked me to make her a shawl pin to sell with one of her handmade shawls. While I had dabbled with woodworking since high school, I only began seriously studying and working in wood within the last few years and that renewed interest all started with her request for the shawl pin.

Much time and thought are spent before ever touching a tool to the wood, enabling me to see and feel the “what if” before the “what is”. I enjoy the entire process and continue to strive for creative growth as time passes, and I believe it shows in my work.


Memberships include Foothills Craft Guild and the Appalachian Arts Craft Shop in Norris. My work is also sold in Ijams Nature Center’s Gift Shop.