Melanie Fetterolf
All of nature and color are my inspirations. I love to paint patterns of color using blending, layering and texture. I study the juxtaposition of colors in nature. The color of a flower, leaves, the texture of tree bark, the shape and patterns on an animal, the lines of a landscape, or a blade of grass all inspire me to create! I love to see how many hidden colors I can find to give life to a painting.
I am motivated to share my love of nature so that others may focus on a detail or idea that may have previously gone unnoticed. Patterns, lines and textures in nature intrigue me, and are usually evident in my work. I enjoy exploring the border between realism and abstraction.
Most of my abstract work, such as the Rain Painting Series, has been the result of experimenting with techniques and the creative process. Sometimes I create images specifically to print into note cards, and I tend to think about how a work will look in card form. I love the creative process and hope to inspire others to live their dreams creatively!