Seeking New Selling Artists

Are you an artist or a crafter? Consider going through the jury process to sell your craft at the Appalachian Arts Craft Center! Artists can apply for one craft per jury session. If artists have multiple crafts ie; ceramics and woodworking they must apply for either ceramics or painting per jury session. The jury process is conducted three times a year. To apply, artists must bring 3 samples of their best work for the category they are jurying for, the $40 nonrefundable application fee, and the completed entry forms by the close of business on January 29, June 4, and September 24.

For more information, download the Jurying into the Appalachian Arts Craft Center  and review the Standards Category Requirements for your particular craft or call the Appalachian Arts Craft Center at 865-494-9854, or email us at 

To complete the application online, click here.

To submit payment for the jury fee online, click here.

Already a selling member or volunteer of the Appalachian Arts Craft Center? Please review the Handbook